Believe in Yourself Leads Believe in God: Swami Vivekananda

Believe in Yourself Leads Believe in God: Since the inception of this world, human beings have believed that miracles happen only by the grace of God. More often than not, people underestimate the role of self-confidence in making them the benefactors of a successful life. The majority of us don’t believe that we must believe in ourselves before believing in God.

“Belief in yourself is the only way on which you can reach your destination in life or…” _ Dr. Md. Usmangani Ansari. As Swami Vivekananda said, “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”

Table of Contents


You Cannot Believe in God Until You Believe in Yourself

The quote of Swami Vivekananda, “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself” reflects the profound connection between self-belief and spirituality. This statement explains the importance of inner confidence and faith in one’s abilities as a prerequisite for embracing higher beliefs. It suggests that self-awareness and self-assurance are integral to cultivating a deeper understanding of spiritual principles and developing a meaningful connection with a higher power.

Embracing self-worth can enhance one’s capacity for faith, resilience, and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose. Ultimately, this concept highlights the intrinsic link between self-empowerment and the ability to engage in a more profound and authentic spiritual journey.

To Believe in God You Must Believe in Yourself

However, the belief in oneself that makes miracles happen is the attribute of those successful leaders in their fields who believe in their ability to succeed. To validate it, Swami Vivekananda rendered the statement You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. This quote highlighted the fact that belief in oneself is of prime importance and to believe in God, one must believe in oneself.

The reason is that we are the Homo sapiens only because of divine power to meditate for making miracles and solve any problem of oneself, society, and mankind with an appropriate solution. Scientists do the same thing before starting an experiment in a laboratory and philosophers in society to solve problems in either way. As scientists discovered the ways to reach Space, Mars, and video call to earth from there. Are these not miracles our scientists did by believing in themselves?

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Self Confidence Leads You Towards Success

A person’s mind is the most powerful tool made by God that can help to meditate or think over any idea and act accordingly to make it possible. For example, scientists, visionary leaders, and successful entrepreneurs have proved it with their deeds. Self-confidence is a direct consequence of the assessment made by persons about themselves and others, based on the successes and failures that they have endured in life. Likewise, by placing blind trust in yourself, you can achieve the goal set before achieving a hundred percent as this belief will motivate you to find out the right way to achieve it.

For many people, the belief in God overpowers their belief in themselves and they use this as an excuse to run away from solving problems using their ability. As the statement 

“The moment you doubt your belief to be successful, you cease forever to believe your ability to do it” __ Dr. Md. Usmangani Ansari. 

Therefore, self-confidence and self-motivation are the pillars to succeed in achieving an unbelievable objective.

Inventive minds have tendered the world with answers to questions that were previously unanswered. These inventions have been made by human beings themselves as a result of extensive research spanning decades. Now, many diseases can be cured with the help of advanced medical and health care technology. 

Science has given answers to the physical world around us. It has provided solutions to a plethora of problems and is the basis of modern civilization. We came to know the face of the earth is changing with the help of inventions like the bionic eye and 3D printers. Access to information in a click has been revolutionized due to the World Wide Web (www).

Religion advocates Faith But Science Reason

According to Richard Feynman “Religion is a culture of faith, science is a culture of doubt. Science advocates reason, empiricism, and evidence; whereas, religion advocates revelation, faith, and sacredness.”

Meditation Changes Thought Process

Human beings, aka, the Homo sapiens are kept at the top of the animal classification due to their innate ability to meditate which acts as a key instrument while making decisions. Meditation is the thought process that involves engaging in a mental exercise to reach out to an appropriate solution to a problem. Meditation has a profound effect on the human brain, changing the way a person feels emotionally to think rationally.

Meditation has the power to change the thought process of the brain regarding our subjective perceptions and feelings. This has a direct influence on the confidence levels of an individual which enhances their performance in all aspects of life. By doing meditation, a person can develop self-awareness that helps them to gauge their strengths and weaknesses at a metaphysical level.

For a long time, mankind has managed to come up with eye-opening inventions that have changed the face of the earth and reinstated the belief that anything is possible once you set your mind to it. As things that had been deemed impossible in the past, are now turning into reality. For example, hundreds of centuries back, the concept of flying was only associated with God, and in the story of imaginary authors.

As mentioned in the Ramayana, an Indian mythology book, Pushpaka Vimana, or a flying chariot which was used by Ravana and then by Lord Rama. However, the Wright brothers who were fascinated with the idea and concept of flying made this a reality for the people in the 20th century by inventing the airplane. This unbelievable miracle enabled the people to travel from one corner of the world to another, revolutionizing the 21st century experience. 

It was not the sky the Wright brothers conquered on December 17, 1903, but their belief to do so”.                                                                                                                                       __ Dr. Md. Usmangani Ansari.

Believe in Oneself Leads to Invention and Discovery

The invention of the incandescent bulb in 1879 by Thomas Edison drastically changed the lives of people all over the world. It was his belief in himself that made it possible.  Alexander Graham Bell, in the 1870s, invented the first practical telephone that revolutionized the way people communicated, transcending all geographical boundaries along with saving an enormous amount of time and effort. And recent examples are cell phones (mobile), WhatsApp, IMO, and many more in the future. 

Louise Braille devised a unique system for reading and writing for the visually impaired, achieving what had been deemed impossible by people then. As time passed, the invention of computers and the internet offered a new way to access and store information. In the past few centuries, many people challenged all the odds and came up with inventions that have revolutionized the world today. It is crucial to understand that these inventions would not have existed today if these people had not believed in themselves and their ideas, which in turn pushed them to utilize their thought process and potential efficiently.

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Belief in Oneself Makes Social Reformers, Influencers…

The emotional experiences of Malala Yousafzai and Arunima Sinha are truly inspirational for millions of people. Even though these two women faced many hardships in their lives, gruesome consequences followed in the aftermath of the disastrous events that unfolded but both remained firm in their endeavors. Both overcame their fears and emerged as even stronger human beings. Getting shot multiple times or losing a leg did not deter their belief in themselves to conquer odds.

Finally, Arunima Sinha kept on continuing her struggle and  became the first female amputee to climb Mount Everest. Even though Malala was always an activist in educating the girls, her campaign intensified after her gruesome experience and she went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. The both women’s belief in themselves is what pushed them to achieve this great feat. It also made them believe, “God helps those who help themselves”. Escaping the trap of death, they emerged as even stronger individuals, pushing themselves to make the most of what they have. 

Many people in this world have achieved such great feats solely based on the belief they placed in themselves. Without belief in themselves, APJ Abdul Kalam wouldn’t have transitioned from a ‘newspaper hawker’ to a ‘missile man’ or Bill Gates wouldn’t have become the ‘youngest richest man’. India wouldn’t be free today without Mahatama Gandhi’s belief in the power of ‘non-violence’ and Nelson Mandela’s belief in his passion against the brutal ‘apartheid policies’ wouldn’t have succeeded. The belief in themselves is what pushed all these people to make miracles happen.

Conclusion: Believe in Oneself Leads to Success

Thus, the path followed by all these people to success has not been the same; however, they carved their own paths in their own ways and the only prerequisite to achieving this is “self-confidence in their ability” which in turn fosters self-motivation. So, we can say that the belief in oneself is of prime importance and serves as a way to believe in God. This is why Swami Vivekananda rightly said that you cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

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FAQs on Believe in Yourself Leads Believe in God

Q. What is the meaning of “you cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself”?

Ans. It means if we do not believe in ourselves we cannot not believe in God. Because God made us for specific purposes to strengthen our faith in ourselves.

Q. Why is believing in yourself important?

Ans. When you believe in yourself, it kicks into gear all sorts of physiological as well as psychological processes that help you achieve your goals, manifest your dreams, and increase your well-being.

Q. How do you start believing in yourself?

Ans. There are some effective ways to begin believing in yourself such as be realistic about your goals; be always positive; acknowledge your accomplishments and passions; share with others what you have to offer, etc.

Q. Who said you can not believe in God until you believe in yourself?

Ans. Swami Vivekananda said that you cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

Q. What happens when you start believing in yourself?

Ans. When you start believing in yourself, it creates positive energy. As you begin to expect the best, your brain starts thinking in that direction and you start to see things happening that are perfectly aligned with your desires and goals. Because faith in self creates energy that leads to success.

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